Tahmoor Colliery
1975 – 2017?
(Rev 4.3)
1975 – The sinking of the main drift and 2 x ventilation shafts for the colliery commences, established by BP Coal Development Australia Pty Ltd and operated by Clutha Development Pty Ltd on the Hume Highway between Bargo and Tahmoor.
1975 – 20th Aug. Notice of Commencement received by the dept. of Mines (DoM records)
1975 – Aug, R. G. Cram & Son commences sinking No. 1 Ventilation Shaft. 4.9m diameter and 450m deep it was completed with a four way inset into the Bulli Seam and a two way inset into the Wongawilli Seam with a 12m sump below that. Acts as 2nd Means of Egress until No. 2 Shaft is holed.
1975 – Sept, Cementation Company (Australia) Ltd commences sinking the 4.2m x 4.9m conveyor drift at 1 in 3.4 for a distance of 1,684m to the Wongawilli Seam. Excessive quantities of ground water were encountered and after nearly 500,000 litres of AM9 grout had been injected, this method of management was abandoned in favour of increased pumping capacity. An inflow of some 2,000 l/min needed to be catered for. Upon completion a 42” steel cord conveyor was installed above a rail track for men and materials.
1976 – Oct, Thyssen Mining Constructions (Australia) commences sinking No. 2 Ventilation Shaft. 6.7m diameter and 455m deep, completed with a two way inset into the Bulli Seam with a 12m sump below that.
1979 – Sept 10th, the first continuous miner goes into production on a single shift/day basis, going to a three shift/day basis on 26th Nov, 1979 and producing approximately 1,000 tonnes/day. Coal is transported by road haulage to Glenlee Washery whilst the Tahmoor Coal Preparation Plant in under construction.
1980 – Two more continuous miners were added.
1980 – Nov, pillar extraction on the advance commences in Panel 101, based on a method used successfully at Oakdale Colliery.
1981 – May 25th, a fourth continuous miner introduced. Daily production was averaging 2,500 tonnes.
1981 – June, the coal preparation plant was commissioned, employing some 16 men on a two shift basis.
Tahmoor Colliery c. 1981
1982 – Bulli Seam workings are linked to No. 2 Shaft (D/Cast).
1985 – coal is being produced by the “Wongawilli” method of pillar extraction. Decision is made to introduce longwall.
1985 – Jun 4th, an outburst occurred in 204 panel, dislodging approximately 350 tonnes of coal and 3000m3 of CO2/CH4 gas. The miner driver was asphyxiated. This triggered a change to the approach to dealing with outbursts bringing about the introduction of gas drainage.
1987 – Feb, first year of longwall operations, produced 1,708,000 tonnes ROM coal.
1988 – LW3 commenced in different area of mine with severe strata control problems.
1989 – Feb, LW4 commences extracting in the reverse direction with greatly improved results.
1989 – Feb, 366 (mine) and 32 (washery) workers employed. Mine is now a 7 day/week operation with longwall extraction for 6 days.
1989 – Oct 20th, CRA (KCC’s parent company) signs a contract to purchase BP’s Australian coal interests. $US275 million was paid for Tahmoor u/g, Howick o/c, Western Main (both o/c & u/g) and Clarence u/g. (“The KCC Conveyor” Vol 4 No 3 Oct 1989 p1).
1989 – Dec, the colliery is transferred to Kembla Coal & Coke.
1989 - Snapshot: - Bulli seam worked, varying in thickness from 1.6 to 2.2 m with an average of 2.1 m
The mine is serviced by 2 x 400m shafts and a 1 in 3.4 x 1600m drift.
A third shaft has been commenced due for completion in late 1989.
Joy12CM continuous miners and Joy 15SC shuttle cars are used in development
(“Minfo” - #24 1989)
1990 – Completion of the new U/C ventilation shaft, 430m x 6.7m diameter, by Allied Constructions Pty Limited. A major fan installation will be commissioned later in year. General Manager – Rick David. (KCC Conveyor V5 #3, Jun-Jul 1990)
1994 – Snapshot: - Currently mining Bulli seam at a depth of 430m.
Average gas content is 12 m3/tonne in-situ of a varying CO2/CH4 mix.
The mine is operating with 5 development units and a longwall.
Lower production from poor mining conditions in LW blocks 11 to 14.
KCC is planning to retrench 145 Tahmoor and West Cliff workers.
1995 – Austral Coal Ltd is incorporated.
1997 – 14th Feb, Tahmoor Colliery acquired by Tahmoor Coal Pty Ltd. (a wholly owned subsidiary of Austral Coal Ltd) from KCC for a base purchase price of $20.0m. Assets included an Eickhoff EDW230 Shearer, Dowty 800t Chocks and AFC, 2 x ABM20 and 5 x Joy 12CM continuous miners plus the 650t/hr capacity washery.
2000 – Producing in excess of 2 million tonnes per year from a 225m LW and development units.
2000 – May, acquisition of the “Bargo lease” (100 mill tonnes) completed. [See Bargo Colliery]
Access to underground by rail via 1.7km 1 in 7 drift also used to convey coal to the surface. There are 3 shafts, one as 2nd Means of Egress.
Panels 20 & 21 will be complete by end 2003 with operations moving to Tahmoor North in LWs TN1 – 10. (Austral Coal - Mining & Processing).
2002 – Nov, Austral Coal announces successful tenderers for a $64 million upgrade of its Tahmoor North coal mine. DBT Australia the manufacture and supply of underground equipment including the longwall, Joy Manufacturing the supply of a Joy 7LS2 shearer and Schaefer Australia the prep plant upgrade. (Ill Mercury 28/11/2002)
2004, May 31st, the commissioning of a new longwall system commences to ultimately increase production to 4 million tonnes per year.
2005, April 16th, Centennial Coal takes an 86% control of Austral Coal thus taking over Tahmoor Colliery.
(SMH April 15, 2005)
2007 - Centennial Coal announces most productive quarter in Tahmoor’s history, 804,000 tonnes, a record year of 2.3m tonnes with more than 15 km of roadways driven in the last 12 months. (Centennial Quarterly Report, 30th June 2007)
2007 - Oct, Centennial Coal agrees to sell its 86% stake in Austral Coal, the owner of Tahmoor Colliery, to Xstrata Coal Australia for $635 million. (SMH Oct 18, 2007)
2008 – Snapshot: –Xstrata Coal working the Bulli seam (1.7 – 2.3m) at 380 – 500m cover depth.
Longwall – 275m wide, 158 Bucyrus 2-leg shield supports with a Joy 7LS-2A, DERDS shearer.
Development – 3 x Joy 12CM30 & 2 x Waratah 12CM30 continuous miners, 6 x Waratah S/Cars, 3 x Stamler feeder breakers.
Production 2008 (raw) – L/W: 1,517,200t; other: 215,100; total: 1,732,300t. (“Australian Longwall Review 2009” Coal Services Pty Ltd)
2014 – 29th May, Glencore Coal (Xstrata Coal) announces the proposed shedding of one development crew, involving some 40 employees and contractors, as from July 1st 2014, from its Tahmoor Mine. (Illawarra Mercury, 30/05/2014 p4)
2016 – 2nd June, Glencore announces the proposed closure of its Tahmoor Mine with the subsequent loss of some 350 workers, by early 2019, basing its decision on the poor global coal markets. Tahmoor colliery produced 2.1 mill tonnes in 2015. (Macarthur Chronicle, Wollondilly)
2017 – 9th May, Glencore announces new plans to retain Tahmoor in production and place the colliery up for sale. A rise in coal prices prompted the change in plans. A potential buyer could be South 32. (Nick McLaren, ABC News, 9/5/2017)
Significant Companies:-
1975 – Clutha Development Pty Ltd wholly owned subsidiary of BP Coal Development Australia Pty Ltd
- G. Cram & Son – sinks #1 Vent Shaft
Cementation Company (Australia) Ltd – drives 1.6km Conveyor Drift, surface to Wongawilli seam.
Thyssen Mining Constructions (Australia) – sinks #2 Ventilation Shaft
1989 – Kembla Coal & Coke acquires Tahmoor Colliery from Clutha
Allied Constructions Pty Limited sinks #3 Ventilation Shaft
1995 – Austral Coal incorporated
1997 – Tahmoor Colliery Pty Ltd, a wholly owned subsidiary of Austral Coal Ltd, acquires Tahmoor Colliery from Kembla Coal & Coke
2005 – Centennial Coal acquires control of Austral Coal Ltd and as such Tahmoor Colliery
2007 – Xstrata Coal Australia purchases Tahmoor Colliery from Centennial Coal
2016 – Glencore announces plans to close Tahmoor Colliery in 2018
2017 – May 9th, Glencore decides to put Tahmoor Colliery up for sale as coking coal prices rise.