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Black Ball Colliery
1904 - 1911
Opened in Portions 82 and 83 Parish of Woonona in 1904.
The seam worked was 7 feet (2.13m) thick and very dirty. From the site of the old pit top it was probably the Plunketts Hill seam or perhaps the Tongarra.
from a paper by G. Sellers, 1976, The Illawarra Coalfield – A Brief History to 1905 presented at the AusIMM Conference, Illawarra, 1976.
A small colliery working the No. 6 Seam (Woonona seam) with the coal being disposed of locally. Coal quality was relatively poor, work being abandoned in May, 1911 after the workings reached a distance of some 70 yards (64 m).
Harper, L. F. F.G.S – Geology and Mineral Resources of the Southern Coal-Field,
Part 1, The South Coastal Portion, Dept. of Mines, 1915.